Entry 4 - Finished PCB revisions

 On 6/14/21 I finished my first version of the entire pcb and Hassel replied with some things to keep in mind/add while he makes sure all the connections are right.

  • All solder pads on one side of board
  • Right footprints
  • All grounds go to arduino ground solder pad (He will make sure his board has it)
  • Pin 4 of op-amps go to Vcc-
    • (eagle cad says the connection isn't there even though I set it)
  • Spread out components?
  • Drill holes in corners
  • Only 1 wire goes into the coil (no need for the 2 solder pads)
    • transmitter sends the pulses in, while the receive circuit reads out the result. The relays control what's happening at any particular time. The other end of the coil should connect to the Arduino ground. 
    • The blue wire across the top should just connect to the rightmost, topmost solder pad.
