
Showing posts from July, 2021

Entry 11 - Meeting with Meredith

Free Induction Decay (FID)  The magnetic field is most likely not homogeneous. Han-echo to get rid of inhomogeneity. (Gets rid of field) 

Entry 10 - NMR Questions/Notes

 Analog Discovery 2 This is what circuit b should be producing (fig. 3 from Michal's paper). It smoothes out and amplifies the square waves into sine waves. How do we test that circuit b is functioning correctly? Would having circuit b and c on different boards be easier to troubleshoot? FID - Free Induction Decay *should resemble a damped oscillator that persists for approx 1 second (1000 milliseconds) The FID's we get are never right. The conversion from the FID to the spectrum happens with FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) There were a few tests done with the ANMR software: No Pulse, Pulser, Single Pulse, Spin Echo, and CPMG. No Pulse tests the FID/Spectrum to see what background appears if no pulses are sent. (Not needed to test) Pulser  sends 2 adjustable sets of pulses to generate fig. 3. (not sure?) Single Pulse/One Pulse used for tau_90 calibration ; Magnetic Field might be faulty; We should make sure single pulse works first.  Spin echo seemed to work. (confirmed b...

Entry 9 - Update

 Lots has happened in a short time! Grace got a nice animation going on a simple coil- so we have step one of our AR demo going great!! Hassel contacted Meredith Frey for some insight on the NMR itself and just to clarify anything. I think this is a perfect opportunity to ask about what I talked about in my last post- about the step by step process of what happens with the NMR as it reads the chemical makeup of the sample. We'll be meeting sometime next week, so I'll probably meet with grace at some point to discuss what we should ask. Hassel also told us that he has been trying out a tool called Analog Discovery from McColgan. He said "It does the job of several different electronic test apparatus, mainly for us it does Oscilloscope and FFT." He's using it to test what the arduino is doing to send pulses out. He was also thinking about mailing it out to me for me to try along with some other stuff.  I think today I'm going to research more on these pulses and...