Entry 10 - NMR Questions/Notes

 Analog Discovery 2

This is what circuit b should be producing (fig. 3 from Michal's paper). It smoothes out and amplifies the square waves into sine waves.

How do we test that circuit b is functioning correctly? Would having circuit b and c on different boards be easier to troubleshoot?

FID - Free Induction Decay

*should resemble a damped oscillator that persists for approx 1 second (1000 milliseconds)

The FID's we get are never right.

The conversion from the FID to the spectrum happens with FFT (Fast Fourier Transform)

There were a few tests done with the ANMR software: No Pulse, Pulser, Single Pulse, Spin Echo, and CPMG.

No Pulse tests the FID/Spectrum to see what background appears if no pulses are sent. (Not needed to test)

Pulser sends 2 adjustable sets of pulses to generate fig. 3. (not sure?)

Single Pulse/One Pulse used for tau_90 calibration; Magnetic Field might be faulty; We should make sure single pulse works first. 

Spin echo seemed to work. (confirmed by Grace)


